
你真的明悟《上善若水》嗎? Water, the ultimate grace




A young businessman was betrayed by his partner, both his life and wealth, he wanted to jump in the lake to commit suicide. At the lake side, he met a wise man and told him of his story.

The Wise smiled and brought him to  his house, instructing this young man to move a huge ice  from the cellar. Though baffled, the businessman did as told. 

When the ice was placed out, the wise man said : "Use your force to cut open it!" Businessmen used an axe to chop violently, but all he could draw on the ice under was a subtle imprint. Hence the Businessmen  picked up that ax, to split chisel.  Moment, facing falling pieces of ice, and he shook his head breathlessly: "This ice is too hard!"

        智者不語,將冰塊放在鐵鍋中煮。隨著溫度的升高,冰塊慢慢融化。智者問:你從中有所領悟沒有?商人說:有些領悟了。我對付冰塊的方式不對,不該用斧頭劈, 得用火燒。智者搖頭。商人面露難色,鞠躬請教。 智者語重心長地說:我所讓你看到的,是成功人生裏的七種境界



 Without a word, the Wise  place the ice on the wok ( Chinese pan) to cook.

 As the temperature rose, the ice slowly melted.

 The  Wise asked: 

 "Do you have insight from now?"  Businessman said:  "My wrong way to deal with ice, not to split with an axe, better heated by fire. " 

The Wise shook his head. Businessman undaunted, and bowed to ask.

The  Wise said in earnest:

 " What I would show you is a successful life in the realm of seven . "

 Although the ice water, a hundred times tougher than water, 
 the colder harsh environment, the more it can reflect the characteristics as strong as steel. 

        This is the first state to succeed in life: [perseverance].



Water in the form of  air, is the invisible gas.
When the gas together to form within a certain range of cohesion, 
it will become the mighty power, that is incomparable. ' collaboration to prosper  '

         This is the second realm of success in life: making money by gathering powerful force.



Water purifies all substances , no matter how dirty things in the world, 
which are open-minded to accept without complaint, then slowly purify themselves. 

         This is the third realm of success in life: to accept, ' inclusive'
        水看似無力,自高處往下流淌, 遇阻擋之物,耐心無限,若遇菱角磐石,即可把菱角磨園,亦可水滴石穿。


Water seemingly is powerless, flowing down from the heights.
In case of blocking things, it shows its infinite patience.
In case of the rock chestnut, water can grind the park  by dropping water. 

        This is the fourth realm of success in life:  'softness'.


Water promoted or demoted on into the clouds, the rain turned down, might as well sinking together more than a trickle into a river to flow from a height, as high as rising up as clouds, or as low as running down into the sea. 

        This is the fifth realm of success in life: ' flexibilty  '.



Although the water is of cold by nature , but it has a good heart. It never participated in the battle, nurtured worldly things, but not obtainable from all.

        This is the sixth realm of success in life: ' life  sustaining '



        Like a misty fog, water has the most freedom itself. Poly can cloud knot rain water into the visible, scattered to trace, erratic in heaven and earth.

        This is the seventh realm of success in life: ' mission accomplished '.

        人心如水。之所以有能力懸殊、 善惡不同、生死之欲,皆因各自境界不等罷了。


 Human's  heart is just like water. The reason why man are different among themselves in their ability,  good and evil, wish for life and death , because each state is ranging from Bale.

          Life such as water, water is like life.

        1. 無論你遇見誰,他都是在你生命中該出現的人。這意味,沒有人是因為偶然進入我們的生命。每個在我們周圍,和我們有互動的人,都代表一些事。也許要教會我們什麼,也許要協助我們改善眼前的一個情況,也許要給我們的人生一個轉折。

       2. 無論發生什麼事,那都是唯一會發生的事。我們所經歷的事,不可能,絕不可能以其他的方式發生,即便是最不重要的細節也不會。並不存在「要是我當時做法不一樣那麼結果就會不一樣」無論發生什麼事情,那都是唯一會發生的,而且一定要那樣發生,才能讓我們學到經驗以便繼續前進。生命中,我們經驗的每一種情境都是絕對完美的,即便它不符我們的理解與自尊。

1. Whoever you may  encounter, he is happens to be the man in your life to appear. This means that, because no one is accidentally into our lives. Each around us, and we have to interact with people, all represent something. Perhaps this is to teach us something, it may have to help us improve a situation in front of, and perhaps give us a turning point in life.

2. Whatever happens, it is the only thing that is likely to happen. We experienced something impossible, absolutely impossible to be happened in other ways, even the most unimportant details are not. Does not exist "If I did not practice the same ... then the result will be different." 

No matter what happens, it will be unique and must be so happened to enhance the experience we have learned to move on.

 Life, every situation we experience are absolutely perfect, even if it does not match our understanding and self-esteem.

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