

慕 想

     麈世消遙悠自賞,  哼出妙韻聲聲唱,

     輕籮書畫篇璀璨,  詩境歌意心神嚮,

     忽見飄窗至,  凝望遠方故人巷,

     花徑石欄草深處,  騖然俏影靠樹樑。

20.08.2013 HY


Musing in Arts

Whilst indulging for self pleasure in my idling life,
Humming a song or two, I climbed my voice out high,
Piling up in exquisite baskets, my collections of paintings and arts in their glories,
So I was musing in art paintings, of their sceneries, settings, and stories,
When suddenly, a red leaf drifted by the window, 
Gazing out the path was there, 
where my dear friend used to come from afar,
Has yet envisioned  his misty shadow standing by the tree, 
right there at the distant flower lane behind the grassy stone yard.

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