
Starry night

Starry night

Starry night of constellation the heavenly grace,
To the infinity, Galaxy stretches across outer space,

With great fasination, I went  pacing along the beach site
That was a cheerful sleepless late evening night, 

Whitecaps rolled on to welcome the harsh blowing wind, 
Great splashes of water rose up to join the scene, 

Autumn cicadas chirped for lovers alternately,
Singing to greet the twinkling stars passionately,

Unlike others longing to be Cupid's captive caught, 
I drown myself into philosophical thoughts,

Vaguely said by God once about the starry sky, 
Spreading  all over us are the stars brightly high.

Those endless stardust up hanging, 
The countless sands in multitudes down lying,

Forever the stars and sands both stay yonder,  
However span of man, the mortals live no longer.

12.01.2014 HY 虹玉  

2 則留言 :

  1. 張幼儀,堅强而偉大的女人,如今社會,這種女人不多吧,最難的是原諒一個這樣幼稚沒責任感的男人

    1. 男歡女愛不是天大的事,冷靜下來如果女性想得通,可以造就三代人的幸福,見過有不少女性做得到,只是她們低調,沒有宣揚自己的家事,張幼儀是名人前妻,也是在晚年才披露,柳枝飄大姐不也是自強起來養育兒女嗎?但遠離哀怨自身會快樂。才子雖然吸引,但都是自戀自我,難以專情,就止於欣賞他們的作品吧了。
